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Swarmbustin' Honey - Mountain Crème Honey

A crèmed honey that is spreadable and delicious as a breakfast condiment for use on bagels, muffins, toast, etc. Mountain Crème Honey will also re-liquefy if placed in tea.

While all honey crystallizes in time, this honey has been encouraged to crystallize. After extracting, straining, seeding and jarring, it is placed in cold storage. The resulting product has tight small crystals with a creamy texture. It is to be stored at room temperature. Our Berry honeys are flavored with natural raspberry or blueberry extracts and concentrates.

Original Mountain Creme Honey - 14 oz. Hex Jar Original Mountain Creme Honey - 1 lb. Raspberry Mountain Creme Honey - 14 oz. Hex Jar
Raspberry Mountain Creme Honey - 1 lb. Blueberry Mountain Creme Honey - 14 oz. Hex Jar Blueberry Mountain Creme Honey - 1 lb.